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68 Chapter 4

basement membrane
Noncellular membrane
between an epithelium and
the underlying tissue.

endocrine gland Gland
that makes a hormone,
releasing it directly into the
fluid outside the gland.

epithelium Sheetlike tissue
that has one free surface.
Epithelia line body cavities,
ducts, and tubes or protect
an underlying tissue.

4.1 epithelium: the body’s Covering and Linings

there are two basic types of epithelium
Simple epithelium is the thinnest type of epithelium. It has
just one layer of cells. It lines the body’s cavities, ducts, and
tubes—for example, the chest cavity, tear ducts, and the
tubes in the kidneys where urine is formed (Figure 4.1B–D).
In general, the cells in a simple epithelium function in the
diffusion, secretion, absorption, or filtering of substances
across the layer.
Some single-layer epithelia look stratified in a side view
because the nuclei of neighboring cells don’t line up. Most
of the cells also have cilia. This type of simple epithelium
is termed pseudostratified (pseudo- means false). It lines the
throat, nasal passages, reproductive tract, and other sites
in the body where cilia sweep mucus or some other fluid
across the tissue’s surface.
Stratified epithelium has more than one layer of cells, and
it usually has a protective function. For example, this is the

n Epithelial tissues cover the body surface or line
its cavities and tubes.
n Link to the Cell cytoskeleton 3.9

A tissue is a group of similar cells
that perform a certain function. The
tissue called epithelium (plural: epi-
thelia) has a sheetlike structure, and
one of its surfaces faces an internal
body fluid or the outside environ-
ment (Figure 4.1A). The other surface
rests on a basement membrane
that is sandwiched between it and
the tissue below. A basement mem-
brane is densely packed with pro-
teins and polysaccharides. It does
not have cells.

Figure 4.1 Animated! All types of epithelium share basic characteristics. All epithelia have a free surface that faces either the
outside environment or an internal body fluid. A Squamous epithelium of skin consists of several layers of cells that flatten as they
near the free surface. The basement membrane is sandwiched between the lower epithelial surface and underlying connective
tissue. The diagram shows simple epithelium, a single layer of cells. B –D Examples of simple epithelium, showing the three basic
cell shapes in this type of tissue. (© Cengage Learning)


Flattened simple squamous epithelium

Squarish simple cuboidal epithelium

Tall simple columnar cells



free surface
of epithelium




Ray Simmons/Science Source

Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold

Biophoto Associates/Science Source

Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold

© AYakovlev/

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