Stem Cell Processing (Stem Cells in Clinical Applications)

(Michael S) #1

1.6 Conclusion

Stem cell treatments hold the promise of curing diseases for which no medical
treatment currently exists, creating enormous public expectation. Unfortunately
therapeutic misconceptions or the frustration of not being able to gain access to
these life-saving treatments has resulted in fraudulent and often harmful practices,
leading to medical tourism to countries where treatments are less regulated than the
patients’ home countries. In this regard the public should be educated concerning
the reasons for and processes involved in clinical trials as well as the various com-
plex ethical and legal issues which must be considered to ensure their safety and
manage realistic hopes. National regulatory frameworks vary substantially due to
differing religious, political, historical, cultural, and social values. In an effort to
harmonize this “patchwork” of national regulations, various international organiza-
tions are combining efforts to create globally accepted standards, guidelines, and
policies to enhance scientifi c cooperation through sharing of research materials and
outcomes. Cohesion in the fi eld of stem cell and related research is of utmost impor-
tance to establish a basis for public trust and scientifi c integrity to propel medical
innovation forward.


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1 Stem Cell Therapy: Accepted Therapies, Managing the Hope of Society...

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