Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism & Christianity

(Greg DeLong) #1

Greg Graffin, "Live Again-The Fall of Man" The Empire Strikes First (2004)

Problem: Adam and Eve didn't even exist. So some australopithecine must have eaten something to piss
God off.

So what is the basis for the fall of man? You will have to wait until the next BR album for that answer.
A new song to appear on it is called "Fall of Man."

Needless    to  say,    it  will    have    my  bias.   Good    luck    on  your    lecture.



Dear Greg:

If the lecture I'm supposed to be preparing for bombs, it's your fault.

Your note makes a serious point in a very funny wayor at least I thought it was funny. I was smiling all

I agree that if all the car accidents that took place today happened because an australopithecine gnawed
on a piece of fruit, then that would be pretty amazing, not to mention unfair. Some Christians insist on
reading the Eden story with no room for interpretation. But so far as I can tell, the literary genre of the text
(not to mention the ideas of basic fairness, which people got from somewhere) calls for thoughtful

What we see in the story of the Fall are human beings blowing an opportunity to live good, even
perfect, lives. What we also see is God letting people make their own choices-if they want to wreck their
lives and the lives of their children, he'll let them.

Our wealth  is  great,  but our economy has been    seriously   damaged by  the greed,  selfishness,    and
shortsightedness that have become its ruling principles.... We are ... completing the economic
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