Lake Pavin History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake

(Chris Devlin) #1

Box 16.1: Which Nucleic-Acids Biomarkers May Be Used
to Investigate the Diversity of Methanogens and
Investigation of prokaryotic composition in environ-
mental samples by culturing techniques is laborious
and prone to strong bias since the growth requirements
of many bacteria are still unknown. Therefore, nucleic-
acid biomarker sequencing has become the gold stan-
dard in environmental microbiology to explore the
diversity of microorganisms. One obvious marker fre-
quently used in molecular ecology particularly for the
taxonomic identification and the phylogenetic affilia-
tion of prokaryotes is the 16S rRNA gene. A comple-
mentary option is to use functional genes encoding
proteins (i.e., specific enzymes). This option allows (in
some cases) establishing a relationship between the
taxonomic identity and the functional role of microor-
ganisms in ecosystems.

The 16S rRNA gene as a phylogenetic gene

The 16S rRNA gene emerged, since early, as a suit-
able phylogenetic marker. This gene is universally
present in prokaryotes, is not submitted to lateral gene
transfert, and has a relatively short sequence (~1.5 kb)
making its sequencing fast and (relatively) cheap.
Moreover, the degree of conservation differs con-
siderably within 16S rRNA gene. Conserved regions
of the gions contain specific sites unique to a species.
The uniqueness enables designing primers targeting
different taxonomic ranks (i.e., Archaea → Euryarcha
eota → Methanosarcinales → Methanosaeta →
Methanosaeta concilii).

rpoB gene as an alternative to 16S rRNA

Various artifacts are reported with the used of 16S
rRNA (e.g., multiple copies within a genome, hetero-
geneity of rates of change between the sequences,
Brochier-Armanet et al. 2008 ). The increase in protein
sequence data, through the sequencing of complete
genomes enables to make phylogenies based on pro-
tein markers. For example, alternative core-house
keeping genes, such as the RNA polymerase β subunit
gene (rpoB), have emerged as an alternative choice

16S rRNA gene illustrating the conserved (grey) and variable
(green) regions

(Case et al. 2007 ). The rpoB inferred phylogenies are
congruent with those based on 16S rRNA, show a
higher resolution of some nodes and are less sensitive
to artifact reconstruction.

The mcrA gene as a diagnostic indicator of methano-
genesis (and of anaerobic methanotrophy)

The methyl-coenzyme M reductase is an enzymatic
complex encoding by a gene cluster. The genomes of
all known methanogens contain at least one copy of the
mcrA which is a highly conserved gene. This property
makes mcrA a suitable candidate to study the diversity
of methanogens and of anaerobic methanotrophs.
Furthermore, mcrA and 16S rRNA phylogenies are
congruent (Hallam et al. 2003 ; Luton et al. 2002 ).

The pmoA gene constitutes a functional marker of
aerobic methanotrophs

The methane monooxygenase (MMO) is an enzy-
matic complex unique to aerobic methanotrophs. Two
distinct forms of the MMO complex have been identi-
fied at different cellular locations, a cytoplasmic solu-
ble form (sMMO) and a particulate form generally
bound to the intracytoplasmic membrane (pMMO)
(Lipscomb 1994 ). Those enzymes are encoded by dif-
ferent gene clusters.
A large dataset of pmoA sequences is available in
public database and pmoA and 16S rRNA phylogenies
are congruent; therefore pmoA is a suitable candidate
to study the diversity of aerobic methanotrophs.


Schematic representation of the mcr operon structure (Adapted
from Hallam et al. 2003 )

sMMO and pMMO gene clusters from Methylocystis sp.
(Adapted from K. Iwasaki (

Box 16.1 (continued)

16 Methanogens and Methanotrophs in Lake Pavin

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