Bioethics Beyond Altruism Donating and Transforming Human Biological Materials

(Wang) #1

208 C. Kroløkke and M.N. Petersen


  1. We use UT to refer to uterine transplantation in general.

  2. We use UTx to specifically refer to the Swedish uterine transplantation

  3. Absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI) includes women who have
    no uterus either from birth, as part of the Mayer–Rokitansky–Kuster–
    Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, or after hysterectomy for cervical malig-
    nancy or due to severe obstetric bleeding that necessitate removal of the
    uterus. According to Brännström, this includes an approximate 4500
    AUFI women in the Nordic countries.

  4. In Denmark and Sweden surrogacy exists within a grey zone, when legal
    regulations make purchasing commercial gestational surrogacy impossi-
    ble. Most notably in Denmark the commissioning parents are violating
    the Danish law against advertising and arranging surrogacy. It is illegal
    for Swedish medical clinics to facilitate surrogacy, though not explicitly
    illegal for commissioning parents to arrange surrogacy abroad. Most
    commissioning parents experience vast legal difficulties bringing the
    child home and naturalising the child.

  5. All quotes from Danish and Swedish articles have been translated into
    English by the authors.

  6. The Danish law on assisted reproduction 2013, §11. Available from 167647 [15 August


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