The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

Table 3.4 (continued)

Solega name
(complete) Scientifi c name Forest type Use
gersi mallige giḍa Hypericum

na:ḍu Fragrant fl owers used in
religious ceremonies
ja:lada mara# Shorea roxburghii male, na:ḍu Fragrant resin is used as
incense; fragrant fl owers
(March–April) are used in
religious ceremonies; wood
is used to make doorframes
ka:na:du:pa mara Canarium strictum ka:nu Solidifi ed resin is used as
kancuva:ḷa mara# Bauhinia purpurea male, na:ḍu Flowers used during
religious ceremonies
kaṇṇi:ru mara Cassine paniculata male, na:ḍu Bark is placed on a rock
platform during a ceremony
performed to stop rain
kappali mara Flacourtia indica all types The bark and spines are used
in religious ceremonies
kempu ekka Asclepias curassavia male, ka:nu Flowers used in festivals
ke:silu Mallotus

all types Colour from the unripe fruit
was used in earlier times as
kumkuma (to make a red
mark on the forehead)
muḷḷu kappa:li# Scolopia crenata all types The bark and spines are used
in religious ceremonies
na:ḍa seluge du:pa Boswellia serrata na:ḍu Fragrant fl owers ( dry
season, April–May) are used
in religious ceremonies
na:ga betta Calamus spp. Decorated stems of the three
species of this plant are used
in temples or at festivals


An exotic tree; fl owers used
in religious ceremonies
ni:lilakki mara Vitex negundo male, na:ḍu Leaves used in decorations
in temples with tuḷasi
panni:ru mallige# Portulaca grandifl ora male Flowers ( monsoon) used in
religious ceremonies
ta:re mara# Terminalia bellirica all types Shrines to shani de:varu can
only be situated at the base
of this tree
ba:ge mara Albizzia amara Flowers offered at temples
beṭṭa ko:li mara Wendlandia

Flowers offered at temples

biḷiekka giḍa Asclepias physocarpa The taproot is used for
du:pa mara Canarium strictum Resin used for incense
pa:paṭe mara Pavetta indica Flowers offered at temples

3.9 Plant Uses

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