The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

Table 3.4 (continued)

Solega name
(complete) Scientifi c name Forest type Use
ja:jimallige ambu Jasminum azoricum male Fragrant fl owers can be
given to women to woo them
kurrugu giḍa Strobilanthes spp. ka:nu Flowers once every 7 years
minciga giḍa Exacum tetragonum Fragrant fl ower used in the
courting of women
panni:ru mallige

Portulaca grandifl ora male Flowers ( monsoon) used as
ornaments among older
gaṇṭe giḍa Brugmansia candida Grown as a hedge plant
kaḷḷi giḍa Synadelium grantii na:ḍu Grown as a hedge plant
koṭṭaraḷu giḍa Jatropa sp. na:ḍu Grown as a hedge plant
thu:ba:re mara# Diospyros
melanoxylon (?)

na:ḍu Leaves are used for making
bi:ḍi cigarettes
bu:ta:ḷe mara Givotia rottleriformis na:ḍu A piece of bark is tied onto
small children to protect
them from evil spirits
jagaḷa gaṇṭi mara Diospyros montana male, na:ḍu Sorcery
pe: udi mara Oroxylum indicum Bark protects children from
de:vati spirit
aṇṭuva:ḷa da mara Sapindus laurifolius male, ka:nu The unripe fruits are used to
wash clothes
beṇḍe mara# Kydia calycina male Small branches are crushed
and used as soap to wash
daḍasina mara# Grewia tiliifolia male, na:ḍu
(smaller variety)

Small branches are crushed
and used as soap to wash
magga:re mara# Randia dumetorum male, ka:nu Unripe fruit is used as soap
for washing clothes
seppe ambu# Entada rheedii male, ka:nu Bark is used as soap for
washing clothes and hair
To y

Crotolaria pallida male Children play with the dried
fruits, which make a rattling
karaṇa kuṇḍala

Impatiens sp. male Children play with the
dehiscent fruits and with the
earring-shaped fl owers

3.9 Plant Uses

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