The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1




(BG) Male ka:ḍinalli bisilu ille. Eshṭo: tampa:girtade.
(It’s not hot in the male ka:ḍu. It’s quite cool.)
(BG) Adakka tho:pu ka:ḍu. Tho:pu ka:ḍu—beṭṭa, guḍḍe, maṭṭa...
(That’s a tho:pu ka:ḍu. Tho:pu ka:ḍu includes mountain, hill and fl atland
forest s ...)
(MRM) A:mele ka:nu ka:ḍu.
(And then evergreen forest s .)
In the above extract, both BG and MRM equate male and tho:pu on the one hand,
and na:ḍu ka:ḍu and horega:ḍu (a variant of orrega:ḍu , below) on the other. MRM’s
comment halfway through the extract, as well as BG’s fi nal statements reinforce the
idea that tho:pu is a kind of superordinate category, as is male —it seems to encom-
pass everything that the Solega think of as ‘their’ forest.
The younger Solega men interviewed in the fi rst elicitation had a radically differ-
ent concept of tho:pu ka:ḍu. In the following extract, they all agree that it is a much
smaller feature of the landscape:

Extract IV (K)

(JV) Tho:pu andare ondu gru:p irutte.
Tho:pu means a group.

Fig. 5.3 Selected forest and landscape terms in Solega. Previously published in [ 8 ]

5 Landscape Terms in Solega
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