The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

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Extract XX (S)

(MRM) I:ga na:vu beṭṭa:da me:le i: saṇṇa saṇṇa ka:nu irtavalla?
(So there are these numerous small evergreen forest s on the tops of
mountains, right?)
(BG) A:kaḍe ade se:ṭa ka:nu. A: se:ṭa ka:nu ishṭe: a:ga:la:ka ade. Enduru,
adu ondu keḷasari kaḍeli ade, eḍage ka:nu.
(There’s one over there— Se:ṭa ka:nu. That Se:ṭa ka:nu is this small! And
then, on one side of that, there’s the Eḍage ka:nu .)^9
(MRM) Beṭṭa me:le iddale saṇṇa ka:nu.
(So if it’s on top of a mountain, it’s a saṇṇa ka:nu .)
(AS) Pa:se tumba irutte, allava? Mara pa:se...
(There’s a lot of moss/lichen, isn’t there? Tree moss...)
(MRM) Ã, mara pa:se adella? Kappu pa:se.
(Yes, there’s tree moss, isn’t there? Black moss.)
(BG) Ã, bonte bonteve! Adu ishṭu ishṭu udda neḍdide keḷeka. Marada kombu
me:le bandu hi:ge... a: pa:seya me:le phalli pera:ṇi ha:vu sette bodde
ella baḷte ade.
(Yes, heaps of it! It hangs down this far! Like this, from the branches of
trees... animals like geckos, snakes, green snakes etc. all live on the moss.)
The abundance of moss in this forest type is quite striking, and immediately
apparent to even a casual observer. Shola forest s also have a distinctive suite of tree
species growing in them, even though they are found at the same altitude as the
evergreen forest s (Extract XXI)

Extract XXI

(JS) Male ka:ḍina maragaḷu be:re, saṇṇa ka:ḍina maragaḷu be:re.
(The trees in the evergreen forest are different from the trees in the shola
forest )

5.3.11 Oḍḍuga:ḍu/kalloḍḍu

The name of this landscape type suggests that it is visually dominated by piles
( oḍḍu ) of rocks ( kallu ). Although odduga:ḍu can be a good source of certain kinds
of honey , such places tend to be the natural habitat of dangerous wild animals, such
as bears. It is generally advisable not to wander into such places by oneself.

(^9) BG goes on to relate the myth of how the Se:t.a ka:nu came into being.
5 Landscape Terms in Solega

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