The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1


Table 3.1 Correspondence between Solega plant name s and Linnaean taxonomy, divided into
three categories: groups that show no match, groups that show a partial match, and groups that
match fully

No match
Polytypic Solega ethnotaxa and their relation to scientifi c names
Solega name Scientifi c ID Alternative ID
a:le Tylophora indica
beppa:le Holarrhena pubescens
komba:le Wrightia arborea

araḷu Ricinus communis
ka:naraḷu Melicope lunu-ankenda
koṭṭaraḷu Jatropha sp. ( J. curcas, J.
gossypiifolia )

hebbe:vu Toona ciliata
kaĩye be:vu Azadirachta indica
nela be:vu Andrographis paniculata

(na:ḍu) du:pa Soymida febrifuga
ka:nadu:pa Canarium strictum
seluge du:pa Boswellia serrata

ekka Calotropis gigantea Asclepias gigantea
ambu ekka Dregea volubilis Asclepias volubilis
biḷi ekka Gomphocarpus physocarpus Asclepias physocarpa
ka:ḍekka Rotheca serrata
kempu ekka Asclepias curassavica

je:neraku Mallotus tetracoccus
kaĩye eraku Clerodendrum infortunatum
hokke eraku Macaranga peltata

go:ṇi Ficus drupacea
arre go:ṇi Cyanotis adscendens
nela go:ṇi Bacopa monnieri

honne Pterocarpus marsupium
sirhonne Bridelia retusa
nela honne Tephrosia calophylla

kaḷḷi Euphorbia spp., such as E.

Synadenium grantii

muṇḍugaḷḷi/guṇḍugaḷḷi Caralluma umbellata
pa:pasagaḷḷi Opuntia sp.


3 Plants in Solega Language and Culture
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