The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

Table 3.1 (continued)

Full match
Polytypic Solega ethnotaxa and their relation to scientifi c names
Solega name Scientifi c ID Alternative ID
goṭṭi Ziziphus rugosa
na:ḍa goṭṭi Ziziphus horrida (U)

icci/biḷicci Ficus amplissima
kallicci Ficus tinctoria
kari icci Ficus tsjahela

ju:jakki Lantana indica
biḷi ju:jakki Lantana veronicifolia

biḷi si:ge Acacia sinuata
ũ:su si:ge Acacia pennata Senegalia pennata

suṇḍe Solanum torvum
kaĩye suṇḍe Solanum violaceum
bu:du suṇḍe Solanum ferox (U)
ka:na suṇḍe Solanum erianthum

aṇṭuva:ḷa Sapindus longifolius (U)
na:ḍu aṇṭuva:ḷa Sapindus emarginatus

Polytypic scientifi c genera and their relation to Solega names
Scientifi c ID Solega name Alternative ID
Asclepias curassavica kempu ekka
Gomphocarpus physocarpus b iḷi ekka Asclepias physocarpa

Chionanthus ramifl orus k aĩye naravalu
Chionanthus sp. ka:na naravalu

Glochidion heyneanum ka:nanase
Glochidion zeylanicum anase

Nilgirianthus foliosus (U) nela/doḍḍa kurrugu Strobilanthes foliosa (U)
Nilgirianthus heyneanus (U) gejje kurrugu
Correspondences in both directions are shown: fi rst in each category are Solega polytypic ethnotaxa
and corresponding scientifi c names, followed by polytypic Linnaean genera and corresponding
Solega names. All scientifi c names shown in the table are listed as ‘Accepted’ in http://www.theplantlist.
org. Alternative IDs are scientifi c names that are listed as ‘Synonyms’ (and therefore, not the pre-
ferred names) in , and are only shown in the table if they have a bearing on the
match between the Solega and scientifi c names. (U) indicates an unresolved scientifi c name. The
‘ life form ’ terms mara ‘tree’, giḍa ‘plant’ and ambu ‘vine’ have been omitted for clarity

3.5 Solega Ethnospecies and Scientifi c Classifi cation

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