Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
(b) female gametophyte lacks archegonia
(c) embryo develops in female gametophyte which is
retained on parent sporophyte
(d) none of these.

  1. Choose the correct order of colours with respect to pigments,
    chlorophyll b, phycoerythrin and fucoxanthin.
    (a) Green, red and brown (b) Brown, green and red
    (c) Red, green and brown (d) Green, brown and red

  2. Sphagnum is commonly used as packing material for trans-
    shipment of living materials due to its
    (a) capacity to absorb and retain water
    (b) easy availability
    (c) nature to grow anywhere
    (d) all of these.

  3. Which of the following statements about Cycas is incorrect?
    (a) It has circinate vernation.
    (b) Its roots contain some blue-green algae.
    (c) Its xylem is mainly composed of xylem vessel.
    (d) It has unbranched columnar stem covered by persistent
    leaf bases.

  4. Match the column I with column II and choose the correct
    answer from codes given below.
    Column I Column II
    A. Polytrichum (p) Devil’s apron
    B. Riccia (q) Pond scum
    C. Spirogyra (r) Moss
    D. Laminaria (s) Liverwort
    (a) A-(r), B-(s), C-(q), D-(p)
    (b) A-(p), B-(s), C-(q), D-(r)
    (c) A-(s), B-(p), C-(r), D-(q)
    (d) A-(r), B-(q), C-(s), D-(p)

  5. Consider the following statements and select the correct option
    stating which ones are true (T) and which ones are false (F).
    (i) Both stem and leaves of Funaria are sporophytic
    (ii) Coralloid roots are irregular, negatively geotropic,
    dichotomously branched coral like root, which possess
    root hairs and root caps.
    (iii) Ginkgo biloba has not changed for the several millions
    of years since its appearance in triassic period.
    (iv) In seedless vascular plants, the gametophyte must
    develop on moist soil with a thin sheet of water.
    (v) Ophioglossum reticulatum is a fern species with
    highest number of chromosomes.
    (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
    (a) F T T F T
    (b) T F F T F
    (c) F T F T F
    (d) F F T T T
    23. Refer to the given figures.

Select the correct statement regarding them.
(a) Figure A is life cycle pattern in Chara in which
sporophytic generation is dominant and dependent
while gametophytic generation is highly reduced and
(b) Figure B is life cycle pattern in Dictyota with clear
alternation of generation between a haploid gamete
producing gametophyte and a diploid spore producing
(c) Figure A is life cycle pattern in Adiantum in which
zygote remains single celled and protoplast of the
zygote cleaves into meiospores.
(d) Figure B is the life cycle pattern in Cladophora in which
the zygote remains single celled, it does not multiply

  1. If the leaf cells of Funaria have 24 chromosomes, then what
    will be the number of chromosomes in its seta?
    (a) 12 (b) 24
    (c) 48 (d) 36

  2. An unorganised arrangement of reproductive structures of
    gymnosperm is given below. Identify their correct sequence
    of arrangement and select the correct option.
    (i) Spores
    (ii) Sporangia
    (iii) Strobili
    (iv) Sporophylls
    (a) (i) → (iii) → (ii) → (iv) (b) (i) → (ii) → (iv) → (iii)
    (c) (i) → (ii) → (iii) → (iv) (d) (ii) → (i) → (iv) → (iii)

  3. Read the given statements regarding angiosperms and select
    the incorrect ones.
    (i) Sporophylls are aggregated to form flowers.
    (ii) Embryo sac have a three celled egg apparatus.
    (iii) Size ranges from almost microscopic Wolffia to tall tree
    of Eucalyptus.
    (iv) Synergids and antipodals degenerate before fertilisation.
    (v) Embryo sac formation is preceded by meiosis.
    (a) (ii) and (v) (b) (i) and (iv)
    (c) (v) only (d) (iv) only

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