Flora Unveiled

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The “Plantheon” j 201

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judges are divided, leaving it to Athena to cast the deciding vote. Her own birth having been
cited in favor of Orestes’s acquittal, Athena’s verdict comes as no surprise:

It is my task to render final judgment here.
This is a ballot for Orestes I shall cast.
There is no mother anywhere who gave me birth,
and, but for marriage, I am always for the male
with all my heart, and strongly on my father’s side.^37

And so it was that Athena, the male- identified Goddess of Justice, was entrusted with
the vindication of Orestes. But the Furies, who represent an even more ancient tradition, do
not accept defeat gracefully. In their rage at the “younger gods,” they hurl deadly threats of
pestilence and agricultural disasters:

Gods, of the younger generation, you have ridden down
the laws of the elder time, torn them out of my hands.
I, disinherited, suffering, heavy with anger
shall let loose on the land
the vindictive poison
dripping deadly out of my heart upon the ground;
this from itself shall breed
cancer, the leafless, the barren
to strike, for the right, their low lands
and drag its smear of moral infection on the ground.^38

Mindful of their power to inflict disaster, Athena offers the Furies a sacred dwelling
where they will be worshipped as guardians of the law, and, with their acquiescence, the
Furies become the Eumenides (“gracious ones”), and the reign of the old female- centered
religion based on nature and agriculture is symbolically ended, thanks to the happy congru-
ence of religion and pseudoscience.

Hermaphrodism and the Goddess Hermaphrodite
Most flowering plants are hermaphroditic, a concept never explicitly applied to plants by
the Greeks. This raises the question of whether or not Greeks were aware of hermaphrodism
in nature, and, if so, what they thought of it.
One of the earliest references to hermaphroditic beings occurs in the poem On Nature writ-
ten by the pre- Socratic philosopher Empedocles. According to Empedocles, humans were first
generated in a sexually undifferentiated state, having neither male nor female qualities:

First there came up from the earth whole- natured outlines
Having a share of both water and heat;
Fire sent them up, wanting to reach its like,
And they did not yet show any lovely frame of limbs,
Nor voice nor again organ specific to men.^39
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