Flora Unveiled

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The “Plantheon” j 203

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to all their offerings and devotions, but at the same time they couldn’t let them
get altogether out of hand.

Finally, Zeus devised a way to weaken them without destroying them by simply cutting
them in half. Bisecting the original humans would also have the salutary effect of doubling
their number, resulting in twice as many offerings to the gods. Pleased with his idea, Zeus
lost no time in implementing it.
Aristophanes concludes his parable by explaining how Zeus’s surgical solution gave rise
to heterosexuals as well as to lesbian and gay lovers:

And so, gentlemen, we are all like pieces of the coins that children break in half for
keepsakes. ... The man who is a slice of the hermaphrodite sex, as it was called, will
naturally be attracted by women. ... But the woman who is a slice of the original
female is attracted by women rather than by men— in fact she is a Lesbian— while
men who are slices of the male are followers of the male, and show their masculinity
throughout boyhood by the way they make friends with men, and the delight they
take in lying beside them and being taken into their arms.

Around 400 bce, a new cult arose in which the androgynous Hermaphrodite was
worshipped. According to the first- century bce Greek historian Diodorus Siculus,^41
the deity was the child of Hermes and Aphrodite, whereas in Ovid’s Metamorphosis
Hermaphrodite is strongly associated with vegetation. According to Ovid, at the age of
fifteen, Hermaphrodite, who was born a boy, wandered from his home in Mount Ida’s caves
to the land of the Carians, where he came upon a tempting pool of water surrounded by
delicate grasses and ferns. This pool was the home of Salmacis, a water nymph who spent
her time combing her hair and picking garlands of the sweet- smelling flowers that grew
nearby. When she beheld Hermaphrodite by her pool, she was instantly smitten. Upon
recovering her composure, she declared her love to him and proposed marriage. Having
spoken, she approached him to give him a kiss, but the boy blushed and threatened to run
away. Retreating at once, Salmacis begged him not to leave. The boy relented and Salmacis
departed; after she was gone, he took off his clothes and dived into the pool. But Salmacis
was only hiding. From behind a hedge she saw his nude body and was overcome with pas-
sion. “I’ve won, for he is mine!” she cried. Stripping naked, she dived into the pool, and
embraced the struggling youth, “as though she were quick ivy tossing/ her vines around the
thick body of a tree”:

“Dear, naughty boy,” she said, “to torture me;
But you won’t get away. O gods in heaven,
Give me this blessing; clip him within my arms
Like this forever.” At which the gods agreed;
They grew one body, one face, one pair of arms
And legs, as one might graft branches upon
a tree, so two became nor boy nor girl,
Neither yet both within a single body.^42
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