Flora Unveiled

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Figure 7.8 Statues of Hermaphrodite. A. Hellenistic or Roman replica in marble of bronze
original, possibly dating to the early fourth century bce. The folded towel- like cloth on his head
may refer to Salmacis’s pool. B. Hermaphrodite offering fruit (grapes) to a bird. C. Hermaphrodite
in an attitude of “unveiling,” exposing the genitals, thus emphasizing their magical power. On her
head is a basket of fruit. D. Hermaphrodite with one hand resting on a phallic statue of Hermes
called a “herm” (left) and the other resting on the head of a young Pan.
From Ajootian, A. (1995), Monstrum or daimonin B. Berggreen and N. Marinatos, eds., Greece and Gender.
The Norwegian Institute of Athens. A. Staatliche Museen, Berlin; B. British Museum, London; C. National
Museum, Stockholm; D. Louvre Museum, Paris.
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