Flora Unveiled

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The “Plantheon” j 209

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  1. Detienne, The Gardens of Adonis.

  2. Ovid, Metamorphosis, Book X, trans. Horace Gregory. ht t ps:// a rc h ive .org / st re a m /
    OvidHersiodVirgil22/ Ovid Horace Gregory The Metamorphoses djvu.txt

  3. Thornton, Eros.

  4. Blundell, S. (1995), Women in Ancient Greece. British Museum Press.
    34. Ibid.

  5. Nonnus, Dionysiaca, Books 10 (lines 230– 425) and 11 (lines 1– 325) (trans. Rouse; Greek
    epic, fifth century ad) http:// http://www.theoi.com/ Text/ NonnusDionysiaca1.html; Ovid, Fasti,
    Book 3. (trans. Frazer). http:// http://www.theoi.com/ Text/ OvidFasti1.html. Lines 403– 414. (Roman
    poetry, first century bc to first century ad).

  6. Aeschylus (1953), Oresteia, Vol. 1, trans. Richmond Lattimore, D. Grene and R. Lattimore,
    eds; University of Chicago Press.
    37. Ibid.
    38. Ibid.

  7. Inwood, B. (2001), The Poem of Empedocles: A Text and Translation with an Introduction
    by Brad Inwood. University of Toronto.

  8. Hamilton, E., and U. Cairns, eds. (1961), Plato: The Collected Dialogues; Timaeus, trans.
    Benjamin Jowett. Princeton University Press.

  9. Bibliotheca historica, Book IV, 4.6.5.

  10. Ovid, Metamorphosis, trans. Horace Gregory. Signet Classics.

  11. Theophrastus (2006), Characters in Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and
    Roman Worlds, trans. George Luck. Johns Hopkins University Press.

  12. Ajootian, A. (1995), Monstrum or daimonin B. Berggreen and N. Marinatos, eds., Greece
    and Gender. The Norwegian Institute of Athens, pp. 93– 108.
    45. Ibid.

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