Flora Unveiled

(backadmin) #1

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Figure 9.3 Greek and Roman images of Cybele. A. Greek statue (~350 bce) of Kybele with a
patera (dish), tympanon (hand drum), and a lion on her lap. B. Roman Magna Mater/ Cybele with
her attributes: cornucopia with pine cone, grapes, and fruit; lion; polos (in the shape of city walls);
poppies and wheat sheaves reminiscent of Demeter (~50 ce).
A is from Wikimedia Commons, Louvre Museum, Photographed by Marie- Lan Nguyen. B is from the Getty
Museum: [http:// http://www.getty.edu/ art/ collection/ objects/ 6511/ unknown- maker- statue- of- a- seated- cybele-
with- the- portrait- head- of- her- priestess- roman- about- 50/ ?dz=0.5000,0.7217,0.39].
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