Flora Unveiled

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Figure 10.2 Comparison of Greco- Roman style illustrations in Juliana Anicia Codex with
Byzantine style. A. Frontispiece of Juliana Anicia Codex. Her enthroned figure is shown flanked by
personifications of “Magnanimity” and “Wisdom.” Her open hand rests on the open volume, held
aloft by a putto, or winged baby, while a kneeling figure symbolizing the “Gratitude of the Arts”
kisses her feet. B. Mosaic of Empress Theodora (c. 500– 547 ad), wife of Justinian I, Byzantine
emperor of Constantinople, with her entourage of attendants. (Church of San Vitale in Ravenna,
Italy, from the south wall of the apse. ~547 ad).
Source: Wikimedia Commons.
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