deal as it begins to tie the photo and paintingtogether. Keep in mind where the light will becoming from based on the photo that is beingused. This will greatly influence the colorsof your scene based on the time of day andthe local color and texture of the surfaces.07Paint atmospheric perspective: Thisscene deals with a large distance goinginto the canvas. One of the easiest ways to adddepth is to remember that for things further awaythere is more atmosphere between us and theobject. This means that it will almost always needto be desaturated, slightly blue, and have lessdetail compared to the foreground. Keep this inmind when choosing color and tone in the scene.08Add some lighting: The lighting inyour scene can easily add interest toyour piece; it would be easy in this instance tosimply make the foreground rocks dark and inshadow. By adding the highlights at the top ofthe cliffs in the foreground, however, we stop theeye disregarding the rocky frame completely.Now is a good time to add some shadow aswell. Steer clear of using blacks and graysas they wash out the image. Darkening andadding saturation, especially in cooler colors,can really add depth without losing detail.09Even out the color: Once the maincolor and lighting scheme has beendecided there will undoubtedly still be someKeep in mind that aspects like atmospheric perspective add more realism to your images``````Use lighting to your advantage to create interest and drama``````Use color layers to balance out the colors in your painting Use a large airbrush to even out the colors in your image``````âSteer clear of using blacksand grays as they wash outthe imageâ
martin jones
(Martin Jones)