122 | 2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Digital Art Master: Juan Pablo Roldáncabins and windows to create contrast and scale,giving the impression that it was a huge vehicle.``````EnvironmentOnce I had a clearer idea of the ship, itwas time to deal with the design of theenvironment and the placement of the ship.``````First of all, I generated some blocks near theship, which would be the buildings that wouldbe falling down. After defining their shapes anddirections, I carefully looked for some texturesthat could add realism to the structures.I adapted these textures to the shapesI had already created and then I broke
I needed to find the balance by including detailbut avoiding exaggeration. At this stage it was alsoimportant to adjust the light, values and colorthat I had set previously. During the extractionof these key elements, I carefully chose the partsof the reference images that could work. I addedthe shipâs enormous engine and some littleUsing of Lasso tool to destroy the ship``````Applying the last details to the scene increased the depth in the foreground and generated movement
martin jones
(Martin Jones)