2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Building an impressive portfoliodonât have producers and managers to cover you.Timelines can be too short, or budgets donât addup, that kind of thing. But at the end of the day youjust have to figure out how to make it all work.Creatively I always find it hard to switch betweendifferent projects. Again itâs more of a freelanceproblem, but having to work on jobs thathave completely different directions in quicksuccession can be a bit of a struggle mentally.2da: Do you have any tricks or tips to keepyourself motivated on a difficult project?NR: This is where letting your own style intoyour work can pay off. It lets you relate more tothe work and stops it from becoming a slog.``````The other thing I try to do is to not work too hard.It might sound weird, or even lazy but you reallycanât work yourself to the bone all the time andexpect to produce good designs at the other end.You need to rest and think. Work to a scheduleand give yourself time to get up and go for awalk. I still think my best ideas come to me whenI leave the studio and do something else.``````2da: When youâre not working hard on yourart, what do you like to do with your time?``````NR: Itâs always nice to get away from staringat a screen, although I play plenty of games inmy spare time. So Iâll go out for walks with mygirlfriend and the dog, or go and grab lunch ata cafe. Doing personal work is also something Ido to relax, without deadlines and all that noiseyou get from commercial work. Iâd like to dosome traditional painting too but I havenât founda way to do that without making a mess yet!``````Night Raid, part of the SENSE personal project © Ned Rogers
martin jones
(Martin Jones)