2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Atmospheric environment conceptswe have the basic setup, so we can design andproduce the concept of locations, props, andcharacters. Itâs really fun, just like being a kid again.2da: What initial steps do you take when you arefirst given a brief for a new project? Do you divestraight in or do you have a more analytical process?WM: When I work for a client, my work process is verydifferent from working for myself. For the client work,I start first with trying to understand what the clientis asking and what I can provide in broader terms.I then do a lot of research and reference gathering.After that I come up with designs by sketching inmy sketchbook, and I come up with interestingcompositions which convey the idea perfectly.Then I start to paint and show my client variationsof the composition and design, and once thingsare approved, I then go ahead and completethat artwork. It is a struggle at times to createthe image which the client likes. Sometimeswhat I like, the client may not, so when workingwith clients I try to give them what they likeand make it look as cool as possible.2da: How do you keep yourself motivatedwhen working on a difficult project?WM: That is a struggle at times. SometimesI may accept a project and then later I maynot feel motivated about it, but I tell myself togive the project proper attention and effort.If it is a clientâs project then I have to do it nomatter what and give it the best I can.``````2da: When youâre not working hard on yourart, what do you like to do with your time?``````WM: When I am not working, I like to hangout with my friends and go to the beach withthem or go to have tea with them. I really liketo travel and get out of the city too. I love to besurrounded by nature and greenery. When I amnot working, I also do other things like learning art,watching documentaries, and things like that.``````2da: Finally, where will we be able to see your worknext? Are there any projects we should look out for?``````WM: I post my work on my website, on ArtStationand many other places such as my Facebookpage. As I mentioned previously, I am workingon a personal project called STRANGERS, andI will be revealing behind the scenes stuff firstto my patrons on Patreon. I also share insightsinto my work process there, and offer critiquesto those who want to get better as artists.``````Thank you Waqas for talking to 2dartist! Burning Ground
martin jones
(Martin Jones)