2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Perceptive traditional illustrationsDisappointed with the lack of drawingopportunities that a career in advertisingprovided, Nader Sharaf switched directionsto pursue a career in graphic design. Aftermany happy years, his passion for illustratingideas and texts led him to study illustrationbefore becoming a freelance illustrator. Nowwith over a decadeâs experience creatingwork for magazines, publishing houses andart galleries, Naderâs clients include PenguinRandom House, Warner Bros. and ABC.Naderâs captivating work often combinesa simple style with elaborate ideas,exploring the complexities of both natureand people. This month Nader speaks to2dartist about his highly intuitive work,discovering new creative possibilitiesand his life as a freelance illustrator...2dartist: Hello Nader! Thanks for talking to2dartist. First off, could you introduce yourselfwith a bit about your background and projects?Nader Sharaf: My path began with me as anartist in the strict sense of the word rather thanan illustrator. My first big opportunity was givento me by an art gallery that I still work with.Mr. Quiet``````Moderate love for nature VI Moderate love for nature VII
martin jones
(Martin Jones)