feel it, not because thereâs a fashionableway of drawing and painting. Keep thecommitment to yourself first and everybodywill appreciate it. Like the familiar quote says:âBe yourself, everyone else is already taken.â2da: What are your preferred toolsto work with and why?NS: I enjoy mixing techniques such as watercolor,colored pencils, acrylics, inks or graphite, andalso making them up on the computer. Becauseevery technique has very peculiar qualities interms of trace, brightness or texture it is veryeasy to homogenize and balance all of themwith Photoshop; to me it is the best tool forthis task without a doubt. Also, one has totake into account the requirements of eachcommission in regards to nuances, brightnessor saturation, so itâs important to me to findout what technique fits each work best.2da: Do you have a particular place you liketo go to draw? Do you create your worksin a studio, at home or out in nature?NS: I always work at home, which at this pointis already a kind of studio. My next step is tomove to a real studio where I wonât to be worriedabout staining the floor or the furniture. Iâm notused to drawing outdoors because the timeswhen Iâm not at home are precisely when Iâmtaking inspiration. My mind registers quite wellwhat catches my attention or the ideas flowingin my head, so home is the headquarters whereNADERâS SIGNIFICANT ARTWORKThis is one of my earliest artworks. It might be officially my first illustration or, at least, animage that represents the moment when years ago I finally considered myself an illustrator.The piece called A Farewell to Problems depicts a young boy on top of his problems, whichare represented by a huge bear. Heâs being watched by his relatives and close friends andseems to be ready for walking unafraid from that moment on.``````It was my first completely narrative image, not just one of those drawings I kept doing inmy sketchbook. Compared to my recent work, this piece may seems quite simple and notvery finished, but I love how fresh and pure, how spontaneous, it still looks. I love the way italready contained my will of becoming an illustrator.``````Madrid skyline``````A Farewell to Problems
martin jones
(Martin Jones)