2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Speed paint an underwater monsterScale can be used to make elements stand out and the difference in sizebetween the monster and diver is a great visual contrast``````Take care not to use colors that are too dark or too light. High contrast isnot always a good thing!``````layer above it. Set this new layer to Pin Light andstart to add color. With a large fuzzy brush, addthe first layer of color. If you do not get the effectyou desire, donât hesitate to check out the otherlayer blend modes until you get the requiredresult. It can be good to experiment! Continueadding more layers and more washes of color.
07Balancing color layers: Try to balancethe colors used within the image. Stickto a minimal color scheme, with colors thatwork well together. If you find that the colorsare becoming disjointed and too varied, youcan also use a Photo Filter adjustment layer toadd a wash of color over the whole image.``````A lot of people avoid the Dodge and Burn toolsduring digital painting, but they definitely havetheir uses if used carefully. With the Rangefunction set to Highlights, very subtly use theDodge tool to create a glow behind the serpent,and do the same with the Burn tool (also set toHighlights) around the lower half of the image.``````Less is definitely more with these tools! Nowthat the light source is more clearly defined,introduce some dappled lighting to theforeground to keep the image balanced.
06Adding color layers: Now, merge thepainting into one layer and add a new
04Playing with scale: With the imagevertical the rocks draw the eye alongthe height of the scene. However, there is a largeamount of negative space behind the rocks,and the serpent monster looks a bit small andunimpressive. Now is a good time to play withthe scale to see if a better result can be made.I remove the original serpent and replace it witha much more enormous beast, which clearlydwarfs the diver by comparison. This contrastmakes the diver look much more isolatedand threatened, and works well to make theserpent appear dangerous and imposing.05Values and lighting: As the sceneis underwater, it is a good idea toreign in the values so that the contrast isnât soharsh. Use the Levels tool to lighten the blacktones and darken the whites. Then adjust themid-ground until you get the result you want.âWith the Range function setto Highlights, very subtly usethe Dodge tool to create aglow behind the serpentâ``````PRO TIPSLimit texturesWhen speed painting, the most important thing is the composition, the atmosphere andthe colors. You donât want to spend too long adding strong textures and details, as this canoften distract from what you are trying to show. It is a good rule of thumb to start with largebrushes and slowly work your way down to smaller detailing brushes. By working in thisway the details will be balanced across the image.
martin jones
(Martin Jones)