2DARTIST MAGAZINE | ISSUE 129``````85``````on a new layer, use a round orange gradient onthe left side, also set it to Soft Light. The finalstep is to create a new layer, fill it with white, andadd a Noise effect. This is set to Monochromatic,Gaussian, and has a low percentage amount.``````When you are happy with the look, merge alllayers and add a Sharpen filter. You could add anUnsharp mask if you like super crisp edges. On thenext page you can see the final sci-fi-style studentapartment with a bicycle power generator!
to some kind of AI that gives our student advice.With the new document, keep all elementson separate layers so that each stroke,line, and block has its own layer.These layers can be easily duplicatedby pressing and holding the Alt key andmoving the object in any direction. As soonas you are happy with the look, group allthe layers, duplicate, and merge them.14Adding the UI: Copy the layer whichyou have just merged and match itwith the big screen in the background. Thenext step is to duplicate the layer and addsome Gaussian Blur. Keep the Radius low andif necessary repeat the effect (Ctrl+F). Thenset the layer to Color Dodge and see if youlike the result. If not, press Ctrl+L and re-adjust the highlights until you are satisfied.As we have a glossy floor in the apartment,add in the green UI reflection by duplicatingthe Color Dodge layer and flipping it vertically.Then move it down and erase all the parts thatoverlay elements that are not glossy or are in theforeground. Sometimes adding a motion blurwith a low Distance number can add to the look.15Final touches: All is set and the onlythings that are left are the small butfinal touches. On a new layer paint in a shadowfor the bike, blur it with the Gaussian Blur, andset the layer to Darken. On the next new layerpaint in the cables on the upper left-hand sidewith a simple round hard-edged brush. Selectthe cables by pressing Ctrl and add a new layer.With the Eyedropper tool, select the green colorfrom the screen and paint in some highlights. Thestrokes could be bold as you can erase the partsthat look odd or are unnecessary for a highlight.Then make a new layer and with the Gradienttool create a white-ish round gradient on top ofthe shelf. This one is set to Soft Light. Once again``````PRO TIPSTake a breakIf you have finished with a scene, I think the best thing you can do is take a break and goback to it after a couple of minutes. This gives you a fresh eye and maybe you will spotsome required changes you did not see before. If not, save and call it complete.``````Graphic design and concept art are a good combination; both ways of working and creating designcan be really helpful
martin jones
(Martin Jones)