Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1

  • Ovary has one or more chambers or loculi (singular loculus) : unilocular (H.J.,pea); bilocular (H.J.,mustard); trilocular
    (H.J., $VSDUDJXV); tetralocular (H.J., 2FLPXP); pentalocular (H.J., China rose); multilocular (H.J., $OWKDHD, lady’s finger).

  • In the chambers there are present oval outgrowths called ovules. Ovules later mature into seeds while the wall of the ovary
    forms a covering called pericarp. The two together constitute a fruit. A sterile and undeveloped pistil is called pistillode.

Types of style

Style arising from the depression in the centre of
the ovary or directly from thalamus, H.J., 2FLPXP

Style arising from the side of
the ovary, H.J., 3RWHQWLOOD

Style lying in the same straight line
with the ovary, HJ+LELVFXV

Stylopodium : When base of the style is swollen to form a pad like structure, it is called stylopodium, H.J., Family
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).
Plumose stigma : Feather like stigma is called plumose stigma, H.J., grasses.
Resupination : Turning or twisting of ovary of flower through 180°,L.H., upside down is called resupination, HJ, most orchids.


  • Placenta is a parenchymatous cushion present inside the ovary where ovules are borne. An ovary may have one or more
    placentae. The number, position and arrangement or distribution of placentae inside an ovary is called placentation.

Types of

Occurs in a bi-or multicarpellary syncarpous ovary. There are
two or more longitudinal placentae attached to the ovary
wall. Ovary can be unilocular or become falsely two or more
locular due to ingrowth of placentae or formation of false
septum, called replum, HJ members of Family Brassicaceae.

Ovary wall


Occurs in multicarpellary, multilocular
ovary. The ovules are borne on
placentae which develop all around
the inner surface of the partition wall,

Free central
The pistil is polycarpellary and
syncarpous but the ovary is
unilocular. The ovules are borne
around a central column which
is not connected with the ovary
wall by any septum, HJ



The pistil can be monocarpellary or
syncarpous. The ovary is unilocular.
It bears a single placenta at the base
with generally a single ovule, HJ
5DQXQFXOXV, Sunflower, marigold.

Occurs in a monocarpellary,
unilocular ovary. The placenta
develops and ovules are borne
along the junction of the two
margins of the carpel, HJ
members of Family Leguminosae.

It occurs in polycarpellary syncarpous gynoecium. The ovary is many
chambered. The walls of the carpels in the centre of the ovary are
united to form an axis, which bears the placentae with ovules, HJ
3HWXQLD (bilocular), $VSKRGHOXV (trilocular), tomato (bi or tetralocular),
+LELVFXV (pentalocular), $OWKDHD and lemon (multilocular).


  • True fruit or eucarp is a structure formed from ripened ovary under the influence of ripening ovules and is meant for protecting
    them. It consists of pericarp formed from the wall of the ovary and seeds formed from ovules. (.J., mango, brinjal, tomato,
    cucumber, pea, etc. When in formation of a fruit other floral parts, (HJ thalamus, base of sepal, petals, etc.) participate, it
    is called false fruit or pseudocarp,HJ apple, pear etc.

  • A fruit formed without fertilisation LH., a seedless fruit is called parthenocarp, HJ., banana.


  • Based on the structure of pericarp, mode of dehiscence and the ovary from which they have developed, fruits are of mainly three types.

Types of fruits

Composite fruits
Develop from the complete

Aggregate fruits
Develop from the multicarpellary
apocarpous ovary.

Simple fruits
Develop from monocarpellary or
multicarpellary syncarpous ovary.
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