Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1

Simple Succulent Fruits

In these fruits, the pericarp and its associated parts become fleshy. These are of following types:

These fruits are special type
of false berries that develop
from inferior ovary with parietal
placentation.Here exocarp of
rind does not separate from
mesocarp. Rind may or may
not be edible. (J cucumber

These fruits develop from mono
or multicarpellary syncarpous
ovary. True berries are derived
from superior ovaries and all
the 3 layers of their fleshy
pericarp are edible, HJ, grape,
tomato, etc. False berries are
derived from inferior ovaries
where epicarp is fused with
the thalamus to form exocarp,
HJ, guava, banana, etc.

The fruit develops from multilocular,
syncarpous, inferior ovary. Testa
(outer seed coat) is fleshy and
forms edible part of the fruit.
Tegmen (inner seed coat) is hard.
Pericarp is rough and leathery
and seeds are irregularly arranged
in the fruit. Fruit has persistent
calyx. (J, pomegranate.

These fruits develop from
multicarpellary, syncarpous
multilocular, superior ovary with
axile placentation. Outer glandular
skin is epicarp, the white fluffy stuff
is mesocarp and inner membrane
surrounding the locules is
endocarp. Each loculus of the fruit
encloses one or more seeds and
a number of edible juicy placental
hair, HJlemon, orange, etc.

The endocarp is hard and stony. Hence,
drupes are also called stone fruits.
Epicarp forms the outer skin; mesocarp
is thick, fleshy, juicy and edible as in
mango (0DQJLIHUDLQGLFD) and fibrous
as in coconut (&RFRV QXFLIHUD). In
cherry, peach, plum and =L]\SKXV,
both epicarp and mesocarp are edible.

This is false fruit
that develops from
inferior compound
ovary. The outer
fleshy part of fruit is
thalamus.(J apple
(3\UXVPDOXV), pear

The fruit develops
from multicarpellary,
syncarpous, superior ovary.
Epicarp becomes woody.
Mesocarp, endocarp and
swollen placenta are
eaten, HJ., wood apple


Drupe of mango (L.S) Pome of apple (L.S)

Hesperidium of orange (T.S)

Berry of tomato (L.S)

Balausta of pomegranate (L.S)

Amphisarca of wood Pepo of cucumber (T.S)
apple (T.S)
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