Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1
Androecium Ten, usually diadelphous
[(9) + 1], anthers
dithecous, introrse
dehiscence longitudinal

Stamens five, epipetalous,
filaments free, anthers
bithecous, basifixed or
dorsifixed, introrse, longitudinal
or porous dehiscence

Stamens six (3 + 3), free or monadelphous
(H.J., 5XVFXV), epiphyllous, basifixed,
dorsifixed, or versatile anther, longitudinal

Gynoecium Ovary superior,
monocarpellary, unilocular
with many ovules,
marginal placentation

Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary
superior, bilocular, sometimes
tetralocular due to false septum,
placenta swollen with many
ovules, axile placentation, ovary
is obliquely placed

Tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary,
trilocular with 2 to many ovules, axile
placentation, rarely parietal, styles united
or separate, stigma free or fused, trilobed

Fruit Legume rarely lomentum Berry or capsule Capsule, rarely berry
Seeds One to many,

Many, endospermic Endospermic

Floral formula % + K(5) C1+2+(2) A1+(9)G (^1) +K(5) C(5) A 5 G(2) +P3+3 or (3+3) A3+3 G(3)
Floral diagram

  1. 3HWXQLD has 5 sepals, 5 petals, 5 stamens and 2 carpels. It
    is a type of
    (a) pentamerous flower (b) isomerous flower
    (c) heteromerous flower (d) bimerous flower.

  2. When sepals are fused together to form calyx, it is termed as
    (a) gamosepalous (b) gamopetalous
    (c) polysepalous (d) spurred.

  3. Vexillum is found in Family
    (a) Caryophyllaceae (b) Papilionaceae
    (c) Rosaceae (d) Brassicaceae.

  4. Read the given statements and select the correct ones.
    (i) The flower of %UDVVLFD is zygomorphic.
    (ii) The flower of 'DWXUD is actinomorphic.
    (iii) A flower which cannot be divided into two equal
    parts by vertical plane is called asymmetric flower.
    (iv) Actinomorphic flowers do not have radial symmetry.
    (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (iii) and (iv)
    (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) All of these

  5. Select the option that correctly fills the given blanks.
    (i) In _ anther, filament joins the anther at its base.
    (ii) In __
    anther, filament is firmly fixed to the back
    of the anther.

(iii) In ______ anther, filament is attached to the back
of the anther and it can swim freely.
(iv) In ______ anther, filament runs throughout the
length of the anther or become continuous with the
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(a) basifixed dorsifixed versatile adnate
(b) basifixed adnate versatile dorsifixed
(c) adnate basifixed dorsifixed versatile
(d) adnate dorsifixed versatile basifixed

  1. Identify A, B, C and D (aestivations) from the given figure
    and choose the correct option.

(a) A-%UDVVLFD, B-China rose, C-&DVVLD, D-Pea
(b) A-China rose, B-%UDVVLFD C-&DVVLD, D-Pea
(c) A-Pea, B-%UDVVLFD C-China rose, D-&DVVLD
(d) A-%UDVVLFD B-&DVVLD, C-China rose, D-Pea
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