Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1

Simple cuboidal


Consists of short, cube-shaped cells.
Nuclei are located in the centre of the cell.
The cells of cuboidal epithelium often form
microvilli on their free surface which
gives a brush-like appearance to their free
border, hence, also called brush bordered
cuboidal epithelium. Microvilli increase
absorptive surface area also.

Present in the small salivary and
pancreatic ducts, thyroid vesicles, parts
of membranous labyrinth, proximal
and distal convoluted tubules of
the nephrons of kidneys, ovaries,
seminiferous tubules, ciliary bodies,
choroid and iris of eyes. Other sites are
the inner surface of the lens, the pigment
cell layer of the retina and sweat glands.

Protection, secretion,
absorption, excretion
and gamete

Simple columnar


Elongated cells are placed side by side like
column. The outer free surface of each cell
is slightly broader. The nuclei are somewhat
elongated along the axis of the cells. Nuclei lie
near the bases of the cells. Certain cells of this
epithelium contain mucus (a slimy substance)
and are called goblet (or mucous) cells.
The epithelium containing mucus secreting
cells, along with the underlying supporting
connective tissue is called mucosa or
mucous membrane.

Found in the lining of the stomach,
intestine, gall bladder and bile duct. It
also forms the gastric glands, intestinal
glands and pancreatic lobules where
it has secretory role and is called
glandular epithelium.
Intestinal mucosa have microvilli to
increase absorptive surface area, it is
called brush bordered columnar

Protection, secretion
and absorption.

Simple ciliated epithelium

Numerous delicate hair-like outgrowths, the
cilia are found on their apical surfaces. Mucus
secreting goblet cells also occur in the ciliated
epithelium. It is of two types:
(i) Ciliated columnar epithelium :
Columnar cells that have cilia on the free

(ii) Ciliated cuboidal epithelium :
Cubical cells that have cilia on the free

Lines most of the respiratory tract and
Fallopian tubes (oviducts), ventricles
of brain and central canal of spinal
cord, tympanic cavity of middle ear and
auditory tube (Eustachian tube).

Occurs in certain parts of nephrons of
the kidneys.

Maintenance as well
as movement of
mucus, urine, eggs and
cerebrospinal fluid in
particular direction. In
nephrons of kidneys,
the cilia helps in the
movement of urine.



Cells are columnar, but unequal in size.
Long cells extend up to free surface while
short cells do not reach the outer free surface.
Long cells have oval nuclei, and short cells
have rounded nuclei. Mucus secreting goblet
cells are also present in this epithelium.
Epithelium is one cell thick, but it appears to
be multilayered which is due to the fact that
the nuclei lie at different levels in different cells.
Hence, it is called pseudostratified epithelium. It
is of two types: (i) Pseudostratified columnar
epithelium; (ii) Pseudostratified columnar
ciliated epithelium.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
occurs in the large ducts of parotid
salivary glands, the urethra of the human
male and in the olfactory mucosa.
Pseudostratified columnar ciliated
epithelium occurs in the trachea and
large bronchi. The movements of the cilia
propel the mucus and foreign particles
towards the larynx.

Protection, secretion,
movement of secre-
tions from glands,
urine and semen in
male urethra and
mucus loaded with
dust particles and
bacteria from the
trachea towards the
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