Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1

Check your score! If your score is
> 90% EXCELLENT WORK! You are well prepared to take the challenge of final exam.
90-75%^ GOOD WORK!^ You can score good in the final exam.
74-60% SATISFACTORY! You need to score more next time.
< 60% NOT SATISFACTORY! Revise thoroughly and strengthen your concepts.

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No. of questions correct ......
Marks scored in percentage ......

III. Ora serrata demarcates sensitive part of retina from
its non-sensory part.
IV. Stapedius is the smallest muscle in our body.
(a) T T F F
(b) T F T F
(c) F F T T
(d) F T T F

  1. Arbor vitae is present in
    (a) cerebrum (b) cerebellum
    (c) midbrain (d) hypothalamus.

  2. Select the option which correctly fills the given blanks.
    A and B are compounds widely used by scientists to
    study cell physiology of islets of Langerhans.

Select the option which correctly fills the given blanks.
(a) Cobalt chloride Aluminium chloride
(b) Cobalt chloride Alloxan
(c) Alloxan Aluminium chloride
(d) Alloxan Potassium chloride

  1. Which of the following gives the correct number of cranial
    (a) 1-Frontal, 1-Parietal, 2-Temporal, 2-Occipital,
    1-Sphenoid, 1-Ethmoid
    (b) 1-Frontal, 2-Parietal, 2-Temporal, 1-Occipital,
    1-Sphenoid, 1-Ethmoid
    (c) 2-Frontal, 2-Parietal, 1-Temporal, 1-Occipital,
    1-Sphenoid, 1-Ethmoid
    (d) 2-Frontal, 1-Parietal, 1-Temporal, 2-Occipital,
    1-Sphenoid, 1-Ethmoid

  2. Read the following statements.
    I. Synaptic vesicles discharge their contents into the
    synaptic cleft.
    II. Calcium ions enter the cytoplasm of presynaptic knob.
    III. Depolarisation and generation of action potential in
    post-synaptic membrane.
    IV. The neurotransmitter of the synaptic cleft binds with
    protein receptors on post synaptic membrane.

The correct sequence of these events taking place during
synaptic transmission at chemical synapse is

(a) II, I, IV, III (b) II, I, III, IV
(c) I, II, IV, III (d) I, II, III, IV.

  1. Match column I with column II and select the correct option.
    (There can be more than one match for items in column I.)
    Column I Column II
    A. Telodendria (i) Corpora quadrigemina
    B. Mesencephalon (ii) Splenium
    C. Corpus callosum (iii) Chlorolable
    D. Cone cells (iv) Synaptic knob
    E. Lacrimal apparatus (v) Lysozyme
    (vi) Genu
    (vii) Crura cerebri
    (viii) Erythrolable
    (ix) Terminal arborisation
    (x) Superior canaliculi
    (a) A-(iv), (x); B-(ii), (vii); C-(iii), (ix); D-(v), (i); E-(vi), (viii)
    (b) A-(ii), (ix); B-(i), (vii); C-(iii), (vi); D-(iv), (viii); E-(v), (x)
    (c) A-(iv), (ix); B-(i), (vii); C-(ii), (vi); D-(iii), (viii); E-(v), (x)
    (d) A-(iv), (ix); B-(ii), (vii); C-(i), (v); D-(iii), (viii); E-(vi), (x)

  2. Cori’s cycle occurs in muscles and
    (a) heart (b) kidneys
    (c) liver (d) spleen.

  3. The hormone secreted by hypothalamus, pancreas and
    digestive tract is
    (a) somatotropin (b) somatomedia
    (c) somatostatin (d) pitressin.

  4. The group of spinal nerves collectively called as cauda
    equina is
    (a) cervical, lumbar and thoracic
    (b) sacral, coccygeal and cervical
    (c) thoracic, cervical and coccygeal
    (d) sacral, lumbar and coccygeal.

  5. Which of the following statement is incorrect about ilium?
    (a) It is a part of pelvic girdle.
    (b) Peyer’s patches are present in it.
    (c) It is bony in nature.
    (d) It is protective in function.

  6. The part of the eye that absorbs oxygen from the air is
    (a) sclera (b) choroid
    (c) cornea (d) iris.^

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