(vii) Behavioural
Keep their body temperature fairly constant by behavioural means.
They enjoy in the sun and absorb heat when their body temperature
drops below the comfort zone, but move into shade when the
surrounding temperature starts increasing.
Desert lizards (Desert lizards lack
the physiological ability that mam-
mals have to deal with the high
(viii) Physiological
At high altitudes, the body does not get enough oxygen due to
low atmospheric pressure, known as altitude sickness. The body
compensates low oxygen availability by increasing red blood cell
production, decreasing the binding capacity of haemoglobin and
by increasing breathing rate.
Tribes living in the high altitude of
- A population may be defined as a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space in a given time.
- The basic characteristic of a population is its size or density which is affected by four primary population parameters such
as natality (births), mortality (deaths), immigration and emigration.
Age Pyramids
- Graphic representation of different age groups found in a population with pre-reproductive groups at the base, reproductive
ones in the middle and post-reproductive groups at the top is called age pyramid.
Types of age pyramids
Urn shaped age pyramid
Proportion of reproductive age group is
higher than the individuals in pre-reproduc-
tive age group. Number of post-reproductive
individuals is also sizeable. It is declining or
diminishing population with negative growth.
Declining population
Bell shaped age pyramid
The number of pre-reproductive and reproduc-
tive individuals is almost equal. Post-repro-
ductive individuals are comparatively fewer.
The population size remains stable, neither
growing nor diminishing.
Stable population
Triangular age pyramid
The number of pre-reproductive indivi-duals is
very large, number of reproductive individuals
is moderate while post-reproductive individuals
are fewer. Population is growing. Rate of
growth depends upon the comparative size of
pre-reproductive population.
Expanding population
Population Density
- It is the number of individuals of a species per unit area/space at a given time. The formula is:
Population density (D) =
Number of individuals (N)
Space (S)
- Population density in a given habitat changes due to four basic processes:
Immigration (I)
Emigration (E)
density (N)
Natality (B) Mortality (D)
Number of deaths
in the population
during a given
time period.
Number of births
during a given
period in the
Number of individuals of the
same species that have come
into the habitat from elsewhere
during the time period.
Number of individuals of
the population who left the
habitat and gone elsewhere
during the time period.
Most populous state : Uttar Pradesh
Least populous state/UT : Sikkim/ Lakshadweep
Population density : 382 persons per sq. km.
Literacy rate : 72.99%
The highest literacy rate : Kerala with 93.91 per
cent literacy rate.
The lowest literacy rate : Bihar with 63.82 per
cent literacy rate.