- In an antibody,
(a) heavy chains have more number of amino acids than
light chains
(b) heavy chains have less number of amino acids than
light chains
(c) both heavy and light chains have similar number of
amino acids
(d) light chains do not have any amino acid.
- In humoral immunity, memory B-cells live for
(a) only one week (b) only few days
(c) a long span in an active state
(d) a long span in a dormant state until activated by a
new infection.
Match The Columns
- Match Column I with Column II.
Column I Column II
A. 7ULFKRSK\WRQ (i) Mantoux test
B. Ascariasis (ii) Enteritis
C. Tuberculosis (iii) Pig
E. Taeniasis (v) Nematode
- Match Column I with Column II (There can be more than
one match for items in Column I).
Column I Column II
A. Opium (i) Reduce intermittent
B. Barbiturate (ii) Lysergic acid diethylamide
C. Benzodiazepine (iii) 3DSDYHUVRPQLIHUXP
D. Hallucinogens (iv) Cause skeletal muscle
E. Nicotine (v) Stimulates release of
(vi) Analgesic
(vii) Sedative
(viii) Major stimulatory tobacco
(ix) Cannabinoids
(x) Phenobarbitone
Passage Based Question
- Complete the given passage with appropriate words or
In human beings, malaria is caused by four species of (i).
(ii) is most common in India among these four species.
It causes (iii) malaria. Recurrent attacks of fever during
malaria is called (iv). Malignant tertian malaria is caused
by (v) which is common in certain parts of India and most
parts of Africa and else where in tropics. Quartan malaria
is caused by (vi) and Mild tertian malaria is caused by
(vii). The primary host of malarial parasite is (viii) and
the secondary hosts are (ix). The oldest drug for the
treatment of malaria is (x).
Assertion & Reason
In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A)
is given and a corresponding statement of Reason (R) is given
just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as :
(a) if both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) if both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) if A is true but R is false
(d) if both A and R are false.
- Assertion : In autoimmunity, the immune system fails to
recognise body’s own proteins and starts destroying them.
Reason : Functions of helper T-cells are increased and
suppressor T-cells are decreased.
- Assertion : Antigens combine with the antibodies
showing a lock and key analogy.
Reason : Each antibody molecule has at least two binding
sites that can attach to a specific epitope on an antigen.
- Assertion : The virus of dengue fever is transmitted by
the bite of $HGHVDHJ\SWL.
Reason : $HGHV mosquito breeds in clean water and
bites only during daytime.
- Assertion : Diabetes mellitus is the most common
endocrine disorder of the pancreas.
Reason : Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is caused
by failure of the pancreatic D-cells to produce adequate
amount of insulin.
- Assertion : AIDS is a communicable disorder of cell
mediated immune system of the body.
Reason : AIDS cannot be acquired by sharing utilities,
coughing and sneezing, shaking hands and insect bites.
Figure Based Questions
- Read the given figure and answer the following questions.
(a) Identify the labelled parts as A, B, C and D in the
given figure.
(b) What is the function of B?
(c) What exactly happens after the binding of D with A?
(d) What are the different types of A found in ABO blood