BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(ff) #1

(a) A-Suctorial mouth, B-Hooks, C-Sucker,
(b) A-Sucker, B-Hooks, C-Suctorial mouth,
(c) A-Rostellum, B-Hooks, C-Sucker,
(d) A-Rostellum, B-Hair, C-Sucker, D-Segments

  1. Conules occur on the surface of
    (a) Leucosolenia (b) Euspongia
    (c) Spongilla (d) Schypha

  2. Consider the following three statements and
    select the correct option stating which one is true
    (T) and which one is False( F)
    I. Oparin of Russia and Haldane of England
    proposed that the first form of life could have

    come from pre existing non-living organic
    molecules and the formation of life was preceded
    by chemical evolution.
    II. Based on observations made during a sea voyage
    round the world, Charles Darwin concluded that
    existing living forms share similarities to varying
    degrees only among themselves.
    III. Analogous structures are a result of convergent
    (I) (II) (III)
    (a) F T T
    (b) T F T
    (c) T T F
    (d) F F T

  3. Read the statements with regard to frog. Which of
    the statement is/are correct and incorrect?
    (i) Vasa efferentia are 10-12 in number that arise
    from testes.
    (ii) The medulla oblongata passes out through
    foramen of Monro and continues into spinal
    (iii) Frogs are uricotelic.
    (iv) Ovaries have no functional connection with
    (a) Statement (i) and (iv) are correct while
    statement ii) and iii) are incorrect
    (b) Statement ii) and iii) are correct while
    statement (i) and iv) are incorrect
    (c) Statement (i), (ii) and (iv ) are correct while
    statement iii) is incorrect
    (d) Statement (i), (ii) and iii) are correct while
    statement iv) is incorrect.

  4. Match the following
    Column I Column II
    A. Zygomatic bone 1. Smallest bone of face

B. Lacrimal bone 2. Floor of cranium
C. Parietal Bone 3. Cheek bone of cranium
D. Sphenoid Bone 4. Roof of cranium
(a) A- 3, B-1, C-4, D-2
(b) A- 4, B- 2, C- 1, D-3
(c) A- 2, B- 3, C-4, D-1
(d) A-1, B-4, C- 3, D-2

  1. Assertion: A correct concentration of Auxin and
    Cytokinin is required for the development of root
    and shoot in a callus
    Reason: When ratio of kinetin to auxin is high,
    then only shoots develop, but when the ratio is
    low then only roots develop
    (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
    Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
    (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true and but
    Reason is not the correct explanation of
    (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
    (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

  2. Number of cervical vertebrae in camel is
    (a) more than that in rabbit
    (b) less than that in rabbit
    (c) same as that of whale
    (d) more than that of horse

  3. The amino acid Tryptophan is the precursor for
    the synthesis of
    (a) Cortisol & Cortisone
    (b) Thyroxide & Triiodothyroxine
    (c) Melatonin & Serotonin
    (d) Estrogen & Progesterone

  4. An isolated population of humans, with
    approximately equal numbers of blue eyes and
    brown eyes individuals, was decimated by an
    earthquake. Only a few brown eyes people
    remained to form the next generation. This kind
    of change in the gene pool is called a
    (a) Hardy –Weinberg equilibrium
    (b) Bottle neck effect
    (c) Blocked gene flow

    (d) Founder effect

  5. Assertion: An eye focused for seeing distant
    objects is said to be at rest
    Reason: In an eye focused at a distant object, the
    ciliary muscles are fully relaxed
    (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
    Reason is the correct explanation of
    (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true and but
    Reason is not the correct explanation of

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