BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(ff) #1

  1. Match the following columns and select the
    correct choice
    Column I Column II
    A. Genera Plantarum 1. Aristotle
    B. Species Plantarum 2. Linnaeus
    C. Historia Generalis 3. Bentham and Hooker
    D. Scala Naturae 4. Pliny

  2. John Ray
    (a) A- 4, B-2, C-5, D-3
    (b) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3
    (c) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
    (d) A-3, B-2, C-5, D-1

  3. Identify P, Q, R and S on the basis of flagellation
    and select the incorrect statement

(a) R is nitrifying bacteria.
(b) P causes cholera.
(c) Q is used in retting of fibres.
(d) S is the source of lactic acid.

  1. One very special feature in the earthworm
    Pheretima is that
    (a) Fertilisation of egg occurs inside the body
    (b) It has a long dorsal tubular heart
    (c) The typhlosole greatly increases the effective
    absorption area of the digested food in the

(d) The S-shaped setae embedded in the

  1. A triploblastic pseudocoelomate, bilaterally
    symmetrical human parasite which is oviparous
    and the transmission is by contact is
    (a) Palalo worm (b) Filarial worm
    (c) Tape worm (d) Hook worm

  2. Organisms that form red tide also show
    (a) Reserve food as leucosin
    (b) Spinning movement
    (c) Nitrogen fixation
    (d) Complementary chromatic adaptation

  3. Which of the following statement is incorrect
    regarding bacterial cell wall?
    (a) It protects the bacterial cell from bursting in
    hypotonic solution.
    (b) The cell wall contains teichoic acids that
    form receptor sites and surface antigens in
    Gram positive bacteria.
    (c) It is 20-80 nm thick, smooth and single
    layered in Gram negative bacteria.
    (d) It provides shape and structural support to
    the cells.

  4. Photosynthetic organisms with cellular body
    organisation are included in the kingdom (w.r.t
    Whittaker system)
    (a) Monera and Protista
    (b) Monera, Protista and fungi
    (c) Monera only
    (d) Protista only

  5. Match the following
    Column I Column II
    A. Number of bones 1. 16 of frog
    in forelimb
    B. Number of eggs 2.24 of cockroach
    in ootheca

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