BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(ff) #1
heterotrophs also present). They have cellular body

  1. (c)

  2. (b) Zoochlorellae often colour their hosts
    green (e.g., green hydra and green Paramecium
    10.(d) The testis of frog does not have interstitial cells.

  3. (b)

  4. (c) The correct route for passage of sperm in male
    frog is from testes to Vasa- efferentia to kidney,
    to Bidder’s canal, Urinogenital duct and later to

  5. (a)

  6. (a)

  7. (d)Joints between humerus and radio-ulna is called
    hinge joint. It is a type of synovial joint which
    allows movement in one plane only.

  8. (c)

  9. (c)

  10. (c)A= Retina –it contains the photoreceptors i.e.,
    rods and cones.

  11. (d) Hormones like cortisol, testosterone, estradiol,
    progesterone are all steroid hormones which take
    part in regulationof gene expression. Hence, they
    can easily pass through the cell membrane of the
    target cell and bind to a receptor inside the nucleus.

  12. (b) Antibodies also called immunoglobulins
    constitute the gamma globulin which are the part
    of blood proteins. These are secreted by activated
    B-cells or plasma cells.

  13. (a)

  14. (c) Lipid is formed when glycerol molecule
    combines with fatty acid. Lipid is not a polymer
    because it contains any one molecule. Proteins are
    formed of units called amino acids. Polysaccharides
    contains units of monosaccharides. Nucleic acids
    is formed of nucleotides.

  15. (b)

  16. (d) X= 12 (ribs in human)
    Y=7 ( true ribs)
    There are 12 ribs in humans, among which first 7
    are true ribs, which is attached to vertebral column
    dorsally and ventrally to sternum.

  17. (c) Mackerel is a marine fish rich in omega-3-fatty
    26.(b) The wall of the capillaries consists of only
    tunica internae which is made up of simple
    squamous endothelium. The wall of alveoli is also
    very thin consisting of squamous epithlium.
    27. (b) Blood comes to the kidneys from the abdominal
    aorta and inferior vena cava, the large arteries
    and veins that are part of the ascending aorta.
    Oxygenated blood is brought to the kidneys from
    a small branch called the renal artery.
    The renal veins carry blood away from the kidneys.
    28. (c) MTP or medically terminated pregnancy is done
    in the first trimester and requires assistance of a
    medical personnel.
    29. (c) Transplantation technique is increasingly in use
    today. Due to advances made in the field of surgery,
    transplant of kidney and heart have become a
    reality. But transplanted tissue or organ when its
    immune action is triggered. To prevent rejection
    of transplants immunosupressants are used.
    30. (d) AV valve
    31. (a) Blood Group ‘AB’ contains RBCs that have
    both antigens ‘A’ and ‘B’ and thus it does not have
    reactive antibodies in its plasma to these antigens.
    32. (d)
    33. (d) Petrovitch Pavlov in 1901 first demonstrated
    the famous conditioned reflex”.
    34. (c) Follicle stimulating hormone or FSH regulates
    the production of sperms.
    35. (b) Chlamydiasis is caused by Chlamydia
    trachomatis of DEFGHIJK serotypes. Chlamydia
    is an obligate intracellular pathogen. It causes
    urethritis, epididymitis, mucopurulent, cervictis,
    inflammation of fallopian tubes, proctitis (rectal
    pain with mucus and occasional bleeding) etc. It
    spreads by sexual contact with infected mating
    36. (a) Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney
    tissue, calyces and renal pelvis. It is commonly
    caused by bacterial infection that has spread up the
    urinary tract or travelled through the bloodstream to
    the kidneys. In other words, pyelitis together with
    nephritis is collectively known as pyelonephritis.
    37. (c) Duodenum secretes hormone secretin.
    38. (c) The plasma fluid that filters out from glomerular
    capillaries into Bowman’s capsule of nephron is
    called glomerular filtrate. A comparison of the
    volume of the filtrate formed per day (180 L/day)
    with that of the urine released (1.5L), suggests that
    nearly 99% of the filtrate has to reabsorbed by the
    renal tubules. This process is called reabsorption.
    39. (b) The best-known component of gastric juice
    is hydrochloric acid, the secretory product of the
    parietal, or oxyntic cell.

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