Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom

(Elliott) #1

12 Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review •••

❍ Unilateral atresia of the Müllerian system results in what type of abnormality?
Unicornuate uterus.

❍ Bilateral atresia of the Müllerian system results in what syndrome?
Mayer–Rokitansky–Kuster–Hauser syndrome.

❍ Failure of central degeneration of the fused Müllerian ducts results in what types of uterine anomalies?
Arcuate, septum, and didelphys.

❍ What are the two layers of the endometrium?
Functionalis and basalis.

❍ What is the vascular plexus around the ureter called?
Auerbach plexus.

❍ During a lymph node dissection, the external iliac vessels are displaced laterally with a vein retractor and
a nerve is triggered that causes the patient’s leg to move. What is the nerve?
Obturator L2 to L4.

❍ What two structures does the gubernaculum become?
Ovarian ligament and round ligament.

❍ What is the average length of the urethra in an adult female?
3 to 4 cm.

❍ A patient presents with numbness after a cesarean delivery around the area of her incision. What cutaneous
nerves may have been damaged?
Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves.

❍ If a patient lost sensation to vulva or clitoris, what nerve may have been affected?

❍ This nerve lies superior to the psoas muscle and is responsible for vulvar and thigh sensation.
Genitofemoral nerve.

❍ After a prolonged surgery in lithotomy position, you discover your patient has anesthesia of her anterior
thigh and medial thigh and loss of patellar reflex. What do you suspect was injured?
Femoral nerve.

❍ After a prolonged surgery in lithotomy position, you discover your patient has numbness in her lower
extremity and foot drop. What do you suspect was injured?
Common peroneal nerve.

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