Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom

(Elliott) #1

38 Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review •••

❍ Which form of vitamin D is increased in pregnancy and why?
The activated form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is increased in pregnancy with nonpregnant values doubling to a
range of 75 to 100 pg/mL. This is a PTH-related mechanism. As PTH increases, the hydroxylation of 25-vitamin
D at the 1 position is increased at the level of the kidney. In addition, vitamin D-binding protein also increases in
pregnancy, which may increase 1,25 vitamin D levels.

❍ Does PTH and/or calcitonin cross the placenta?
Neither hormone crosses the placenta.

❍ Which of the substances produced by the adrenal cortex are decreased in pregnancy?
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) remains unaltered or slightly decreased through extensive
16 alpha-hydroxylation. All other products (sex steroids, cortisol, and aldosterone) increase.

❍ If testosterone is increased in the maternal serum, why is the female fetus not masculinized?
Total testosterone is doubled from nonpregnancy levels of 0.5 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L. Free testosterone levels are
decreased in pregnancy by about one half. Little or no testosterone enters the fetal circulation as testosterone. There
is complete conversion of testosterone to 17b-estradiol by the trophoblast. This has been documented in women
who have very high testosterone levels due to androgen secreting tumors.

❍ Describe the ACTH response to pregnancy.
ACTH levels rise in pregnancy after an initial decrease early in pregnancy. The levels rise despite a dramatically
increased cortisol level (three times nonpregnancy values). This is a paradox postulated to be due to a resetting of
the feedback system secondary to tissue refractoriness to cortisol.

❍ A pregnant patient complains that her contact lenses are painful to wear recently. Is this normal?
Yes. Corneal thickness increases in pregnancy and can cause discomfort when wearing lenses fitted before

❍ Is vision affected by pregnancy?
Visual acuity remains the same; however, a transient loss of accommodation has been reported during pregnancy
and lactation.

❍ Which hormones, aside from hCG, increase the most in pregnancy?

Hormone Increase
Human placental lactogen (hPL) 5000-fold
Progesterone 1000-fold
Estradiol 400-fold
Prolactin 10-fold
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