The woman grunted. She seemed fed up.
“I can move in for a closer look if you like, though,” the man
“Yeah. That’d be nice.”
The milky sphere grew until it almost filled the screen.
“Nice,” came the woman’s voice again. “Thanks.”
“H’m. Now, that’s an unusual solar flare,” said the man. “It wasn’t
showing up before. You’d better get an analysis of that.”
They heard the woman yawn. The chair creaked, as if she were
“No thanks. Tell Sam about it. There are exactly two minutes of
my shift left, and I’m not starting anything that’ll keep me away from
my bed a second longer.”
The man chuckled. “Fair enough,” he said. “See y—”
And that was where the Video stopped.
“Just like that,” said the teacher to the unusually silent class. “The
end of the Macmillan.”