with the tiger walking behind him.
The magistrate quickly set up court and said to the tiger, “Did you eat the
widow’s son?’
The tiger nodded.
“How did you expect her to live after you killed her only son?”
The tiger closed his eyes.
“If you take a life, your own must be taken. That is the law.. .”
The tiger nodded again.
To tell the truth, the magistrate was impressed by the animal’s show of remorse.
“... but the law does not say how you must give your life. If you are willing to
serve the old woman as her son, I will spare you.”
The tiger nodded once more, solemnly.
So they released him and sent him on his way.
When the old widow learned of this, she was furious. “Now I have no son and
no justice either,” she said.
But the next morning she awoke to discover a freshly killed deer at her gate. She
kept some of the meat for her supper and traded the hide and the rest of the meat for
things she needed.
eeeeppp p oooooo r aaa yyyyyrr uurr tottooottt e