Infectious Agents Associated Cancers Epidemiology and Molecular Biology

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membrane. In fact, several types of PrP isoforms were implicated in cell adhesion

and migration (Fig. 13.1). Due to its cell surface location, GPI-anchored PrP is

implicated in cell-cell adhesion; in 2002, elevated PrP expression increases cation-

independent cell aggregation, which could be reduced after treatment of the cells

with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C to release cell surface PrP [ 31 ].

Previously, the PrP fragment which induces cell migration was attributed to amino

acids 106–126, which induces migration of monocyte-derived dendritic cell regu-

lated by neuropeptide substance P [ 32 ]. In addition, PrP peptide (106–126) between

the concentration range 160–640 ng/ml induces murine macrophage cell line Ana-1

chemotaxis in a concentration-dependent manner, and the migration of macrophage

can be inhibited by inhibitors for multiple signaling pathways, implying that PrP-

stimulated macrophage motility is mediated by multiple manners [ 33 ]. A similar

phenomenon was observed when BV-2 microglia cells were treated with PrP frag-

ment (106–126) at the concentration range of 25–100 μM. This peptide stimulates

microglia cell chemotaxis [ 34 ]. However, induction of cell migration by PrP frag-

ment may be simply due to cells that respond to oxidative stress imposed by the

peptide. A better approach to assess whether PrP facilitates cell adhesion or migra-

tion is to knock down/knock out the expression of PrP and detect alteration of cell

behavior. In brain endothelial cells, PrP colocates with platelet endothelial cell

adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) in lipid raft domains. Antibody specific to PrP

has the same efficacy as anti-PECAM-1 antibodies to block the transmigration of

U937 human monocytes as well as freshly isolated monocytic cells when preincu-

bated with U937 or hCMEC/D3 cells [ 35 ], suggesting that PrP is facilitating mono-

cyte transmigration. Dpl plays a similar role in astrocytomas. When Dpl expression

was reduced in IPDDC-A2 cell line, cellular migration was greatly reduced as

assayed by wound healing [ 36 ]. When PrP expression was knocked down in a

mouse brain microvascular endothelial cell line bEND.3, cell migration into the

damaged regions but not cell proliferation was greatly reduced, implicating that PrP

may play a role in neurovascular unit recovery from brain injury such as an isch-

emic insult [ 37 ]. Elevation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or EGF receptor

(EGFR) signaling often affects cellular processes, including increasing cell motility

Fig. 13.1 Cartoon of several PrP isoforms expressed on cells and the potential interacting partners
for the PrP to initiate cell migration. GPI-anchored unglycosylated PrP binds GAG and VEGFR2
via its KKRPK, activating PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. In this model, PrP is required to localize
in lipid raft (left panel)

13 Prion Protein Exacerbates Tumorigenesis

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