Skull Base Surgery of the Posterior Fossa

(avery) #1


suboccipital craniotomy was performed. A right
C1 laminotomy allowed for opening of the cervi-
cal subarachnoid space below the circular sinus
with release of CSF, which provided excellent
relaxation for opening the convexity dura over
the right cerebellum (Fig. 8.7).


Meningiomas of the CPA are the second most
common tumor in this location after vestibular
schwannomas. While Cushing referred to them

Fig. 8.3 Case example 2, MPFM. (a) Axial preoperative
MPFM spanning IAC. The right-hand panel shows the
tumor invading into the IAC. (b) Postoperative MR show-

ing tumor removal with small residual enhancement deep
in IAC (left panel)

S.T. Magill et al.
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