Skull Base Surgery of the Posterior Fossa

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P2p is the portion of the vessel from the poste-
rior peduncle to the calcarine fissure. It gives
rise to thalamogeniculate arteries, the lateral
posterior choroidal artery, and the middle and
posterior temporal arteries. The P3 segment is

the portion of the PCA from the posterior bor-
der of the midbrain to the calcarine fissure.
Many cortical arteries branch from the P3 and
P4 segments, including the parieto-occipital,
calcarine, and splenial arteries.

Fig. 14.5 Illustration
showing the segments of
the superior cerebellar
artery (SCA, segments
s1-s4) and its
relationship to adjacent
neural structures. PCA
posterior cerebral artery
(Used with permission
from Barrow
Neurological Institute,
Phoenix, Arizona)

Fig. 14.6 Illustration
showing the segments
(P1-P4) of the posterior
cerebral artery (PCA)
and its relationship to
adjacent neural
structures. a artery, aa
arteries, CN cranial
nerve, SCA superior
cerebellar artery (Used
with permission from
Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix,

14 Microsurgical Management of Posterior Fossa Vascular Lesions

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