Skull Base Surgery of the Posterior Fossa

(avery) #1

S-shaped incision, 66
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), 89, 93, 94, 101, 173,
190, 191
Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 66
Subarachnoid aneurysm trial (ISAT), 212
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 200
Suboccipital, 213
approaches, 95, 96, 129–131
craniotomy, 68, 135, 185, 188
Subperiosteal dissection, 66
Superficial muscles, 66
Superior cerebellar approach, 188
Superior cerebellar artery (SCA), 11, 198, 199
Superior petrosal sinus (SPS), 56, 96
Superior sagittal sinus, 131–134
Superior semicircular canal (SCC), 96, 97,
99, 151
Supra-/infratentorial petrosal approaches, 18
Supracerebellar-infratentorial (SCIT), 207
Supracondylar, 65, 70–73
Surgical approaches, PC meningiomas, 94, 95
Surgicel, 149

Temporal bone, 4, 6, 12, 22
Temporo-occipital synchondrosis, 77
Tentorial incisura, 115–117
anterior transpetrosal approach, 116, 117, 120
combined transpetrosal approach, 117, 122
interpeduncular, crural and ambient
cisterns, 115
retrosigmoid approach, 116, 118, 120
surgical planning, 115–116
Tentorial meningiomas
classification, 115, 116
falcotentorial type, 117–125
incisural type, 115–117
intracranial, 115
lateral tentorium, 125–128
morphological features, 115
posterior type, 128–134
Tentorium, 4
Three-quarter prone position, 66
Transbasal transplanum transclival approach, 94
Transclival approach, 76
Transcochlear approach, 18
Transcondylar, 65, 69, 70, 73
Transcranial approaches, 94
Transcrusal approach, 18, 98
Transfacial approaches, 94
Translabyrinthine approach, 18, 38, 49, 50,
98, 157
Adson Cerebellar Retractors, 44
bone removal, 45
CSF leak, 49
hemorrhage, 49

meningitis, 49
neurological, 50
sigmoid sinus thrombosis, 49, 50
VTE, 50
cottonoids, 46
facial nerve, 46, 48, 159
hemostasis, 45, 46
IAC, 45
indications, 157
labyrinthectomy, 44
limitations of, 159
mastoidectomy, 43
morbidity and mortalities, 161
patient counseling, 40
perioperative considerations, 159–161
surgical risks and complications, 159
tumor removal techniques, 157–159
vestibular schwannoma, 161
Transmastoid, 73
Trans-middle cerebellar peduncle
approach, 212
Transpetrosal approaches, 92, 95, 116
anterior (Kawase’s), 96–97
combined, 98–99
posterior, 97–98
Trans-superior fovea approach, 213
Trans-tumor corridor, 65
Transverse sinus, 129–131
Trapezius muscle, 66
Tuberculum jugulare meningioma, 84
Tuberculum sella meningiomas, 138
Tumor dissection techniques, 155, 156
Tumor embolization, 92
Tumor growth index, 90
Tumor removal techniques, 157–159
Tumor resection, 60, 61

Ultrasonic aspirators, 140
Upper clivus, 76

Vascular anatomy (VA), 196
Vascular lesions, 65, 206–211
Vascular relationships, 82
Vascular tumors, 189
Veins, 11
Venous drainage system, 91
Venous sinuses, 4–6
Venous thromboembolism (VTE), 50
Ventral medulla, 209
Ventral midbrain/posterior fossa, 206–207
Ventral pons, 209
Ventral posterior fossa intradural epidermoid and
dermoid cysts, 75
Vermial/medial hemispheric
lesions, 186


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