Skull Base Surgery of the Posterior Fossa

(avery) #1


Intradural Exposure

The dura is opened as an inverted-U with the
medial limb extending inferiorly across the fora-
men magnum opening, and retracted laterally
(Fig. 5.8a). Variations such as a low or medial
sigmoid sinus or transdural PICA must be recog-
nized. Brisk bleeding may arise from a prominent
marginal sinus. If the vertebral artery has been
mobilized medially, the dura is opened while
maintaining a circumferential cuff at its penetra-
tion; the posterior spinal artery may be incorpo-

rated into this fibrous ring and must be preserved.
The dentate ligament and bands of arachnoid
membrane are divided to create windows for
visualization and access to the target pathology
(Fig. 5.8b).


The modifications of the far lateral technique that
are incorporated into any procedure are deter-
mined by the location and extent of pathology
and the specific anatomy of each patient

Table 5.1 Comparison of the cranio-orbital and transtubercular approaches

Cranio-orbital Transtubercular
Craniotomy Frontotemporal Far lateral
Blood supply Superficial temporal artery Occipital artery
Muscle Temporalis Suboccipital muscle group
Bony obstacle (outer) Greater sphenoid wing Foramen magnum
Bony obstacle (middle) Lesser sphenoid wing Occipital condyle
Bony obstacle (inner) Anterior clinoid process Jugular tubercle
“Buried” nerve Optic nerve Hypoglossal nerve
Nerves at risk Superior orbital fissure contents Jugular foramen contents
Nearby artery ICA (clinoidal and supraclinoid

VA (V3 and V4 segments)

Nearby venous lake Cavernous sinus Jugular bulb
Connecting venous channel Clinoidal space Condylar emissary vein

Fig. 5.7 The paracondylar variants. (a) Removal of the
jugular process lateral to the occipital condyle in the tran-
sjugular variant exposes the posterior aspect of the jugular

bulb. (b) The mastoid segment of the facial nerve is
exposed with removal of posterior mastoid bone in the
transmastoid variant

K. Au et al.
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