BAE-1 Bovine Aortic Endothelial cells
BDM Butanedione monoxime
bFGF Basic fibroblast growth factor
BNP Brain natriuretic peptide
cAMP Cyclic Adenosine monophosphate
Cav1 Caveolin 1
CD Circular dichroism
CgA Chromogranin A
cGMP Cyclic GMP
Chr Chromofungin
CPPs Cell penetrating peptides
CST Catestatin
EE Endocardial endothelium
eNOS Endothelial nitric oxide synthase
ET-1 Endothelin-1
GC Guanylate cyclase
GSK3β Glycogen synthase kinase 3β
hrVS-1 Human recombinant Vasostatin-1
HSPGs Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans
I/R Ischemia and reperfusion
ICa,L L-type calcium current
Iso Isoproterenol
L-NAME NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester
L-NMMA L-NG-monomethyl Arginine
MPP Mitochondrial membrane potential
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
NO Nitric oxide
PDE Phosphodiesterase
PI3K Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase
PKG Protein kinase G
PLN Phospholamban
PTX Pertussis toxin
TNFα Tumour necrosis factor α
VS Vasostatin
Wm Wortmannin
1 CgA-Derived Peptides: Novel Regulators
of Cardiovascular System
The NH 2 -terminal fragments of Chromogranin-A (CgA) generated by cleavage at
the first and second pair of basic amino acid residues of NH 2 -terminal domain of
CgA, have been termed Vasostatins (VSs) for their vasoinhibitory action in conduit
G. Alloatti and M.P. Gallo