present-oriented regarding the daily management (or treatment) of hypertension as
compared to whites.
Discovery and analysis of genetic variations at the CHGA locus in geographi-
cally/ethnically-different human populations revealed the presence of functional
SNPs in the regulatory regions (viz., promoter and 3′-UTR) as well as coding
regions (viz. within PST and CST peptide domains). A significant extent of hetero-
geneity in the occurrence (presence/absence/frequency) of several of these SNPs
across different populations was observed. Nonetheless, CHGA SNPs showed
strong associations with a number of cardiovascular phenotypes (viz. blood pres-
sure, cardiac functions, plasma glucose, catecholamines and cholesterol levels).
Further studies in this area may lead to utilization of CHGA genetic variations for
clinical management of cardiovascular/metabolic disease states including hyperten-
sion and hypertensive kidney disease.
Acknowledgments Studies at UCSD were supported by grants from the National Institutes of
Health and Veterans Affairs Medical Research. Research at IIT Madras was supported by grants
from the Department of Biotechnology (BT/PR9546/MED/12/349/2007) and Science and
Engineering Research Board (SR/SO/HS-084/2013A), Govt. of India.
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