3.3 Future Emissions
Future emissions of GHGs are now examined. As noted in the Introduction, our
focus is on emissions of CO 2 due to combustion of fossil fuel^18 and land use change,
as well as anthropogenic emissions of CH 4 and N 2 O: i.e., the primary drivers of
(^18) The fossil fuel category also includes emissions from the manufacture of cement and from flar-
ing, which are traditionally lumped into the FF category. Also, all estimates for individual nations
or groups of nations include estimates from the combustion of bunker fuels, which is the term used
to refer to the mixture of hydrocarbons burned by ships.
Fig. 3.7 Per-capita atmospheric GHG emission maps, 1990 and 2010. Per-capita national emis-
sions of CO 2 FF + CO 2 LUC + CH 4 + N 2 O, termed pCEQ-IN, in units of metric tons of CO 2 -eq per person
per year (t CO 2 -eq ppy). As for Fig. 3.4, the color bar was chosen to highlight emissions from large
nations that dominate the global burden of total emissions. In 2010, the largest values of pCEQ-IN
were from Qatar and Trinidad and Tobago, at 75.4 and 54.3 t CO 2 -eq ppy, respectively. See
Methods for further information
3 Paris INDCs