Alien Introgression in Wheat Cytogenetics, Molecular Biology, and Genomics

(Barry) #1

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 133
M. Molnár-Láng et al. (eds.), Alien Introgression in Wheat,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-23494-6_6

Chapter 6

The Mode and Regulation of Chromosome

Pairing in Wheat–Alien Hybrids ( Ph Genes,

an Updated View)

Tomás Naranjo and Elena Benavente

T. Naranjo (*)
Departamento de Genética, Facultad de Biología , Universidad Complutense ,
28040 Madrid , Spain
e-mail: [email protected]

E. Benavente
Departamento de Biotecnología-Biología Vegetal, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros
Agrónomos , Universidad Politécnica de Madrid , 28040 Madrid , Spain
e-mail: [email protected]


Cdk Cyclin-dependent kinase
C - Ph1 Candidate Ph1
DMC1 Disrupted Meiotic cDNA 1
DSBs Double-strand DNA breaks
EMS Ethil Methanesulfonate
FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization
GISH Genome in situ hybridization
IWSGC The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium
KL The Chinese Kaixian-luohanmai landrace
ltp Low temperature pairing
MI Metaphase I
MLH1 MutL homologue 1
MSH MutS homologues
Ph Pairing homoeologous
Ph I^ Inhibitor of Ph
PrBn Pairing regulator in B. napus
SC Synaptonemal complex
SNP Single-nucleotide polymorphism
WM1 Wheat Meiosis 1

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