Alien Introgression in Wheat Cytogenetics, Molecular Biology, and Genomics

(Barry) #1


height, yield, TKW, protein content, and even fl our yield. The yield of this line is
reasonable compared to AC Barrie a check cultivar. The data in Table 8.2 indicated
that there is minimal linkage drag in M321. The lowered DON content relative to
the checks is a useful attribute for improvement of disease resistance of wheat. FHB
symptoms on the spike of the parental cultivar 10-1, scored at 21 days after inocula-
tion are shown in Fig. 8.2 and a fi eld plot of M321 is shown in Fig. 8.1.

Fig. 8.2 Resistance to
Fusarium head blight in an
accession of Triticum
monococcum. Disease
symptoms developed at 21
days after artifi cial

Table 8.2 Agronomic characteristics of FHB resistant lines obtained from T. monococcum
(M321) and Ae. speltoides (S184)


Yield (kg/

TSTWT a (kg/

HT b


Flour yield

Sumai3 2895 – 88.5 13.0 – 2.1
M 321 3272 79.3 76 13.9 57.5 5.5
S 184 3246 80.3 86 13.3 67.2 3.4
AC Barrie 3304 80.5 79 13.7 66.8 6.5
Roblin – – – – – 17.2
a Test weight
b Height

G. Fedak
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